Saturday, September 6, 2008

Still Figuring This Thing Out

I've adjusted some of the settings on this here blog-type thing. Previously, those of you who did not have Google IDs could not post comments. This has been rectified. Now any old moron can post comments. Sleep easy, dear readers.

And check out that adorable little cartoon MAB I added. Way better-looking than real life.


Kizz said...

Eh, I still like the real thing better.

Mrs. Chili said...

Still, the cartoon MAB does have some connections to real life - this is probably what the cops would sketch if I were asked to describe you.

I solved the "any old moron" thing by getting myself a Google ID. I guess I'm not your average moron...

Anonymous said...

me, too. but spanky's resemblance to his cartoon doppelganger is really quite uncanny. even baby mcschmanky recognizes his daddy in this likeness.