Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dumb Letters: And Yet More Bad Economics from Scary McStupid

Geez, they're really pushing this one. Here's one from the Boston Globe, responding to a columnist's suggestion that Massachusetts, which has a flat income tax, might try >gasp< progressive taxation.

TOM COSGROVE advocates changing our state constitution so that those who make at least $250,000 could be taxed a little more in tough times. He writes, "The constitution currently mandates that the state tax all citizens, regardless of income, at the same rate," and argues that progressive taxation is "the fairest way to distribute the tax burden." Since the wealthiest are a quiet minority, they are being discriminated against. We can call it wealth redistribution, or proclaim it is fair, but at its core it is discrimination. What would happen if we proposed a higher tax for women, or blacks, or gays? The outcry would be enormous. Just because someone makes more money doesn't mean they should pay more than those who don't. Do they drive more on the roads or use the educational system more?

The wealthy minority who are being targeted by President Obama's proposed budget are being treated unfairly. There will be a backlash. Charitable spending, entrepreneurialism, and small-business hiring will be affected.

Call these moves that Cosgrove wants for the state and the president wants to implement for the country what they are: discrimination in its purest form.

Kevin A. Richardson II

This has more holes in it than Dunkin' Donuts at 6AM. I almost don't even want to say anything and just let this one stew in its own stupidity without comment. Alas, I cannot. I do it for you, dear reader. And for me. I need to vent.

"What would happen if we proposed a higher tax for women, or blacks, or gays?" How mind-boggling is it that this jerk is comparing progressive taxation to a civil rights violation? Oh no! The poor rich! Who are...A MINORITY! Woe unto them and the horrible unfair burden of paying a bit more to keep their state functioning at a barely acceptable level for those lousy free-loaders.

"Just because someone makes more money doesn't mean they should pay more than those who don't." Um, yes it does. Blood from a stone and all that. "Do they drive more on the roads or use the educational system more?" By this logic, even a flat tax is unfair. Everyone should pay the same amount in total, rather than a percentage of their income. Is that what this meathead is arguing? Everyone drop your $50 in the bucket and we'll call it a year.

"There will be a backlash." Ah, yes. Just like in yesterday's letter. The rich will rise up and take their country back. By not hiring people. Listen, nobody hires anyone out of altruism. They do it to make more money. Except maybe the person who wrote yesterday's letter, who seems to have some other issues. If you have a need, you will hire someone. Your tax burden has virtually no effect on that. And the charitable giving that you won't be doing? Unnecessary if we just give it straight to those people in the first place. So go ahead and shoot that hostage.

"Call these moves that Cosgrove wants for the state and the president wants to implement for the country what they are: discrimination in its purest form." Maybe not its purest form, but it is discrimination of a sort. The good kind. Discrimination isn't always a bad word. "Hey, why are only criminals being put into jail? That's discrimination!" "Why are only really talented people allowed to play left field for the Red Sox? That's discrimination!" "Why am I not allowed to have sex with Kevin A. Richardson II's wife and daughter(s)? That's discrimination!"

Ha! How fanciful my hyberbolic examples are. In reality, I would never have sex with anyone who would marry a creep like this.


Kizz said...

OK, thanks for that last bit because I was starting to think you'd lost your mind.

Venting, that's why your wife urged you to start this place, right?

Mrs. Chili said...

Out of the woodwork, I tell you.